Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Salem Bike Vision?
We are proposing a comprehensive bike network that would utilize existing infrastructure in a way that will provide unprecedented access and direct routes for residents traveling by bicycle. Most importantly, the vision would ensure protected bike lanes that allow riders of all ages and skill levels to feel safe and comfortable.
How were the routes selected?
The core component of the Salem Bike Vision is to develop a clear North-South and East-West corridors for safe and protected bike travel and then developing connectors throughout the city. We selected the current streets to take advantage of existing infrastructure wherever possible to reduce costs and speed up implementation.
Are the routes listed in the Salem Bike Vision finalized?
No, we recognize there are many great ideas in the community and we have already received suggestions from many people since releasing the Vision. We plan to continue updating the Vision.
Does Salem currently have a bike plan?
The City does have a bike plan in the existing Transportation System Plan, but much of it is neither protected nor direct. We want to build on what the City has already done with a broader vision for a truly connected and protected system that is accessible and inviting to individuals of all ages and abilities. We believe this will integrate nicely into the existing paths, parks, and greenways already present in Salem.
Is the Bike Vision being led by the City?
The effort is currently being led by community leaders serving on City Council, the Cherriots Board, and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Our hope is to continue building community support and work with City staff to implement the vision.