Developing a Safe and Fully Integrated Bike System
We believe Salem needs a protected and efficient bike system for all residents.
An Investment in the Future of Salem
The comprehensive system of protected bike lanes would provide a North-South and East-West bike corridor with connections for all residents to safely commute throughout the city.
Safe and Family Friendly
Climate Conscious
Benefits Wellbeing
Improves Economic Opportunity

2023 Year in Review
Take Action
Contact the City’s Climate Action Plan Subcommittee: hdimke@cityofsalem.net
Express your support for a comprehensive network of protected bike lanes/alternative transportation corridors as part of the Transportation System Plan rewrite to help the City’s climate goals.Email the City Council: citycouncil@cityofsalem.net
Ask them to have the City apply for the recently released Safe Streets for All grant from the federal government. If awarded this funding, the City could develop a comprehensive transportation safety action plan.Contact Your Neighborhood Association
Ask your neighborhood association for them to support the development of safe alternative transportation corridors so that residents of all ages and abilities can travel by bike, scooter, skates, on foot, or with a mobility device.